Sony ULT Wear Headphones Review: Unbeatable Value for Bass Lovers

The budget-friendly headphones market is highly competitive, with offerings from major brands like Sony, Beats, and Sennheiser. Priced at around $200/£200, the Sony ULT Wear aims to stand out by delivering thumping bass along with features typically found in more premium models. While it doesn’t quite reach the heights of Sony’s acclaimed WH-1000XM5, the ULT Wear presents an enticing option for those seeking an immersive audio experience without breaking the bank.

Sony ULT Wear Headphones Review





Key Takeaways:

  • Powerful, adjustable bass enhancement via ULT technology
  • Balanced sound signature with some EQ tweaking
  • Long battery life and fast charging capability
  • Abundant features including noise cancellation and app supportb
  • Comfortable fit but plain aesthetic
  • Great value if bass is your top priority

Sony ULT Wear Headphones Review

With the ULT Wear, Sony has packed a lot of value into a relatively affordable package. These wireless headphones promise Sony-level audio quality, noise cancellation, and a bass-heavy sound signature thanks to the company’s proprietary ULT (Ultimate) technology.

While they may not dethrone premium models like the WH-1000XM5, the ULT Wear clearly aims to attract bass enthusiasts on a budget.

Design and Comfort

Taking design cues from Sony’s flagship lineup, the ULT Wear sports a sleek, minimalist aesthetic with oval-shaped ear cups and a matte plastic finish. The build quality is sturdy despite the lightweight 255g construction. Color options are limited to black, white, and a camo green variant.

Where the ULT Wear truly shines is in the comfort department. The plush, generously padded ear cups and adjustable headband create an incredibly cozy fit that can be worn for hours without fatigue. The oval earcups allow for a secure yet non-constricting feel. However, some users may experience pressure from the headband during extended listening sessions.

Build Quality and Appearance

While the plastic construction may seem a bit cheap at first glance, the ULT Wear boasts a solid, durable feel reminiscent of higher-end Sony headphones. A clever hinged design allows the earcups to fold inward, making the headphones more compact for travel. The included fabric carrying case provides added protection.

Unfortunately, the aesthetic is fairly plain, lacking the premium polish of the WH-1000XM5. The matte black and white colorways are safe yet unremarkable choices.

Audio Performance

Out of the box, the Sony ULT Wear delivers a well-balanced sound signature with clear mids and highs. However, the real star of the show is the ULT bass enhancement technology, which takes low-end performance to the next level.

Key audio strengths:

  • Adjustable ULT bass boost technology
  • Full, engaging low-end punch with ULT1 mode
  • Decent noise cancellation for commuting
  • EQ customization essential for sonic refinement

ULT Mode 1 provides a moderate bass boost that adds satisfying punch to most genres without overwhelming the mix. Hip-hop, EDM, and rock tracks all benefit from the extra thump. For example, the driving basslines in Dua Lipa’s “Physical” took on a visceral quality akin to a club sound system.

ULT Mode 2 takes things to an extreme, with thunderous sub-bass that can easily become overpowering. While ideal for hardstyle or dubstep fans, this maximum boost tends to muddy the lower frequencies on other genres. Classical enthusiasts will want to keep this mode disabled.

It’s worth noting that finding the ideal EQ settings through the Sony Headphones app is crucial for optimizing audio performance. The default tuning can sound a bit muddy out of the box. Enabling a brighter EQ preset with just a touch of extra treble sculpts a crisp, defined sound that nicely complements the boosted bass.

Noise cancellation is also a strong suit, effectively hushing ambient sounds like nearby conversations and traffic rumble. It doesn’t quite reach the sublime hush of Sony’s premium ANC, but it gets the job done admirably for the price point. An ambient aware mode allows some environmental noise to filter through when desired.

Battery Life and Connectivity

With a rated 30 hours of battery life when noise cancellation is enabled, the ULT Wear beats many rivals in its class. Those who disable noise canceling can expect an impressive 50 hours per charge – enough to last over a week with average use. A quick charge function gives users a handy 90 minutes of playback from just 3 minutes of charging.

Wireless connectivity is handled by Bluetooth 5.2 with support for Sony’s LDAC codec. This enables high-quality audio streaming for those with compatible devices and music services. There’s also the option to use the included 3.5mm audio cable, which some may prefer for lower latency when gaming.

App Features and Call Quality

Sony’s well-designed Headphones app allows for extensive sound customization beyond the basic ULT modes and EQ presets. There are options to adjust the noise cancellation intensity, toggle smart pause/play sensing when removing the headphones, and activate immersive 360 Reality Audio.

Call quality is acceptable but not exceptional. Callers reported crisp transmission of the speaker’s voice with only minor ambient bleed. However, the person on the other end could occasionally sound muffled or distant, with some outside sounds sneaking through. This performance falls short of premium models like the WH-1000XM5 but is suitable for casual calls.

Value Proposition

With an MSRP of $199/£179, the Sony ULT Wear faces stiff competition from impressive budget offerings like the Beats Solo 4 and Sennheiser Accentum Plus. However, Sony’s focus on deep, adjustable bass gives it a distinct edge for those who prioritize hard-hitting low frequencies.


  • Affordable price for included features
  • Class-leading battery life
  • ULT bass boost is hugely impactful
  • Comfortable wear over long periods
  • Reputable brand pedigree


  • Bass emphasis won’t suit all genres
  • Call quality is just average
  • Plain, understated design
  • Need to tweak settings for optimal sound

For bass junkies on a budget, the Sony ULT Wear delivers tremendous value. Few headphones at this price point can match the sheer visceral punch provided by the ULT modes. Add in Sony’s reputable noise cancellation, the exhaustive EQ adjustments, and the lengthy battery life, and you have a very compelling all-around package.

Those with more neutral sonic preferences may be better served by the stellar sound tuning and better ANC performance of the Sennheiser Accentum Plus, provided the higher price is palatable. But for thunderous, room-shaking bass without spending a fortune, the ULT Wear is an easy recommendation.

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With a keen understanding of its target audience, the Sony ULT Wear nails the execution of affordable yet impactful bass for a relatively low cost of entry. The ULT technology fulfills its promise of earth-shaking low frequencies, which can be dialed to personal preference. Factor in the abundant features like app support, fast charging, and capable noise cancellation, and Sony has crafted excellent value in the ~$200 wireless headphones space.

While not quite reaching the heights of the flagship WH-1000XM5 in terms of sound refinement and premium build, the ULT Wear makes smart trade-offs to keep pricing sharp. Some may lament the plain aesthetics and just-okay call quality, but bass aficionados will revel in the potent, customizable low-end grunt. For the money, this is as immersive as thunderous bass gets without dropping serious cash.

Final Score: 4/5 – The Sony ULT Wear delivers booming bass and a stacked feature set for a bargain price, making it an easy choice for budget bassheads despite a few minor quirks.

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